Programs and Services "Women Supporting Women"
Women of Many Faces have extensive experience in bringing women together:

Diamonds and Pearls
Diamonds and Pearls is a sisterhood society, whereby women come together in love to support, councel, and talk together about many topics. This society function as a sorority.
Health and Wellness
The Health and Wellness programs are ways for women to come together and encourage each otherto eat healthy, exercise and make sure preventive care is a utilized method for onesself and family.

Domestic Violence Support
Domestic Violence falls under the Crisis Intervention and Support area, whereby the organization operates on behalf of victims; contacting emergency shelters, collecting basic necessities, meet in support goups and much more.
Baglady Therapy Segment
Baglady Therapy Segment is a session that brings women together to help empty out their bag of shame, hurt, anger, and more. Therapy is done in support group settings and private settings depending on the individual need.